
“Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined. The wise young wage-earner of today invests his money in real estate.”

- Andrew Carnegie, Billionaire Industrialist

Building long term wealth does not need to be complicated.

Many have gone before us and have written the blueprint for success. No other asset class has the ability to create long term generational wealth like real estate can.

Using systematic and guiding principles of real estate, I walk hand in hand with you as you draw your own blueprint to success. 

I specialize in finding and rehabbing properties in the Atlanta and East Alabama markets for all types of investors. 

Are you looking for an off market property to fix and flip?

  • A high cash flowing single family home rental?

  • A high appreciating vacation home with a nice return?

  • Maybe you have money to invest, but not the time, energy or a team in place to get it done?

I have solutions to help find investment properties and ever turnkey properties available to have rent coming in on Day 1.

"Scott understands that Real Estate is the best vehicle to build generational wealth. His coaching and analysis make it easy for me to make great investment decisions for my family." - Robby, Real Estate Investor